Sunday, October 9, 2016

Daman Diu & Dadra Nagar Haveli Tourism Campaign

Imagine a gadget that comes with features one never imagined? That's how we presented Daman Diu & Dadra Nagar Haveli, as the ulitmate technology or gadget or app or whatever fancies the imagination of the tech-aficionados, only it's the real experience, the reality and nothing can be more augmented. The first series of teasers talk about features unheard of, to drive curiosity, the second series gives a new twist to these features, showing how each feature translates into something unimgined. And the revealers invite the world to an experience no technology can match up to. Daman Diu & Dadra Nagar Haveli.

Teasers - Series 1

Teasers - Series 2

Revealers - Launch Ad

Follow-up Ads

TVC - Teasers

Teaser 1

The film opens with Rajiv Makhni at the Gadget Dude show with the D3 box in his hand. He's sitting on the couch. He says.
VO: I'm dazzled. Whatever I've reviewed so far is nothing. So what's in this box?
He leans forward and whispers into the camera.
VO: All I can say is it's out of the box.
Leans back into the couch and nods,
VO: Ok, ok I'll give you another hint
VO: Million Gigabytes Memory....
VO (with an evil grin): Warning: And that's not all!
He points towards the box and says
VO(singsonging): Coming soon.
The camera zooms on the D3 box and fades out.

 Teaser Film 2

Rajiv Makhni is at a Croma store. He picks up a box resembling a SmartPhone box and keeps it back with an unsatisfying look on his face.  He brings forward the D3 box on his other hand to the camera.
VO: Nothing comes close to this, you know that?
Keeps walking,
VO:  If I tell you ONE FEATURE, I mean JUST ONE FEATURE, you'll know
Takes a deep breath,
VO:576 Megapixel camera
Looks at the camera with widened eyes
VO: See, exactly my point
As he walks ahead, he steps a back and comes to the camera a lot closer and says pointing at the D3 box,
VO: It's coming!
Camera fades out.

Teaser Film 3

Rajiv Makhni is at his home reading Gizmofreak. As the camera zooms on him, he looks up and says with a disapproving nod,
VO: All of them have the same features
Throws the magazine on the table and talks with a lopsided smile,
VO:  But not all, not this one
Looks towards the corner where the D3 box is kept,
VO: This one comes with 360 degree panoramic display
Hushes into the camera
VO: I'm hooked!
Looks towards the D3 box and winks,
VO: Are you?
Camera fades out as he smiles playfully.

The Launch Film on YouTube

The film opens on a close-up shot of Rajiv Makhni, holding the D3 box. The visual on the box is of the Nagoa beach.
He looks mysterious and mischievous at the same time.
He says
VO: So finally, it's time for the much awaited unboxing
As he's about to lift the lid, the camera pans out to reveal that he's at the scenic Nagoa beach.
He drops the box and walks ahead on the shore with a sinister grin, continuing his monologue.
VO: So here's your 576 Megapixel camera,
The camera pans across the beach and towards the sun setting on the horizon.
VO: THE BEST our eyes can capture. The highest resolution. Crystal clarity. Vivid colours.

Cut to him at the Diu Fort Lighthouse. The view from behind. He's taking in the views of the sea, he turns back and says
VO: 360 degree panoramic display
The camera pans across the breathtaking views of the sea.
VO: With the real Retina

Cut to Rajiv Makhni dancing with the Varli tribes of India flaunting the traditional Varli look in Dadra.  When his white turban is about to fall, an elderly man comes forward and fixes it with the most genuine smile one has ever seen.
Cut to the close-up shot of Rajiv Makhni. A sudden surge of emotions come over him. Clearly, he's overwhelmed. He looks into the camera and speaks in a low voice, with a lump in his throat. A half smile, while trying to retain a straight face.
VO: Million Gigabytes Memory
He holds the hand of the man who helped him and smiles
VO: Even world wide web can't store so much

Cut to a man surfing the waves in the faraway ocean. As he's ashore, he begins walking towards the camera carrying the surfboard. As he comes closer, it's revealed that it's Rajiv. He wipes the water from his wet face, shakes off the water drops from his hair and says
VO: 53100 free games
He winks at the camera and says
VO: And no cheat codes required

Cut to Rajiv Makhni on a Gypsy with a DSLR in his hand. There are three other photographers in the Gypsy.
Sfx: The roar of a lion.
They slow down and listen. To their disappointment, they hear the chirping of birds.
Sfx: The chirping of birds
Rajiv Makhni looks into the camera and says
VO: THE MOST NATURAL surround sound system
And hushes into the camera
VO: Mover over the Dolbies and DTSes of the world

Cut to him building a sand castle. He's almost done with it. As he's adding the finishing touches, a little boy runs into it and smashes it. The boy looks scared. He looks down and then steals glances at Rajiv who looks angry. Just then Rajiv breaks into a chuckle, lifts the boy up and puts him on his shoulder.
The very vivacious Rajiv says
VO: And 365 days battery charge
He looks at the boy who's all smiles now and says
VO: PS - Don't carry any adapters

Cut to Rajiv taking a stroll on the beach under the stars.
He stretches his hands very leisurely and talks to the camera
VO: Imagine a life where technology takes a break... I couldn't... until I came here
The D3 Logo appears and gives way to the Daman, Diu and Dadra Nagar Haveli Tourism Logo
He goes on
VO: Welcome to Daman, Diu and Dadra Nagar Haveli. Come experience the unimagined.

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